Running rings around counterfeiters with Transparency
"Transparency has eliminated a lot of stress for us, now that we’ve got Amazon watching our back and our brand."
Ticia Pinto
Director of Marketplace Growth
From outdoorsman to entrepreneur
While Groove Life’s products are sold across the world, the brand’s heart lies firmly in the great outdoors. Born in untamed Alaska, Groove Life sprung from the founder’s need for a wedding band that would better suit hours spent guiding tours in cold, wet, and often harsh conditions.
Whether in the wilderness or the warehouse, traditional metal bands can catch or break, putting the wearer at risk of serious injuries. Working from a freezing garage in Port Alsworth, AK, Peter Goodwin solved these issues by designing and perfecting the original Groove ring. Groove Life’s rings are designed with safety in mind. Made from lightweight, durable, medical-grade silicone with special grooves on the inner surface that let in air, Groove Life’s rings block out moisture and keep up with a demanding lifestyle.
“We got in touch with a bunch of factories whose workers weren’t previously allowed to wear rings because it was a hazard,” says Ticia Pinto, Groove Life’s Director of Marketplace Growth. “Metal rings can easily get caught in machinery, and, because they don’t break, you can quickly lose a finger. But with our silicone rings that have a lower failure force, those workers can now wear their wedding rings while they work."
Whether in the wilderness or the warehouse, traditional metal bands can catch or break, putting the wearer at risk of serious injuries. Working from a freezing garage in Port Alsworth, AK, Peter Goodwin solved these issues by designing and perfecting the original Groove ring. Groove Life’s rings are designed with safety in mind. Made from lightweight, durable, medical-grade silicone with special grooves on the inner surface that let in air, Groove Life’s rings block out moisture and keep up with a demanding lifestyle.
“We got in touch with a bunch of factories whose workers weren’t previously allowed to wear rings because it was a hazard,” says Ticia Pinto, Groove Life’s Director of Marketplace Growth. “Metal rings can easily get caught in machinery, and, because they don’t break, you can quickly lose a finger. But with our silicone rings that have a lower failure force, those workers can now wear their wedding rings while they work."

Partnering up for success
Since its launch, Groove Life has seen strong growth year after year, and they’ve forged ahead with an ever-expanding array of adventure-inspired product lines, including belts, watch bands, and a big selection of rings.
Within just a few years of selling in the Amazon store, the brand’s popularity took off.
“We’ve seen crazy amounts of growth. Just in two years, over 300-400%. It has just exploded.”
Within just a few years of selling in the Amazon store, the brand’s popularity took off.
“We’ve seen crazy amounts of growth. Just in two years, over 300-400%. It has just exploded.”

Innovative protection for an innovative brand
In addition to providing the means to turbocharge Groove Life’s growth, Amazon also offered the means to protect it through programs like Transparency.
With Transparency, Groove Life has found critical tools for protecting their brand, their products, and their customers. They’re able to attach secure, unique Transparency codes to their packaging, so customers can verify that they’ve received a genuine product. Even better, Transparency proactively helps flag and prevent the sale, shipment, and listing of counterfeit and inaccurate products.
Because the Groove Life team is able to print Transparency code labels themselves on-site, they work just as quickly and flexibly as before, launching new products without the need for transition periods and changes to shipping-label design.
With Transparency, Groove Life has found critical tools for protecting their brand, their products, and their customers. They’re able to attach secure, unique Transparency codes to their packaging, so customers can verify that they’ve received a genuine product. Even better, Transparency proactively helps flag and prevent the sale, shipment, and listing of counterfeit and inaccurate products.
Because the Groove Life team is able to print Transparency code labels themselves on-site, they work just as quickly and flexibly as before, launching new products without the need for transition periods and changes to shipping-label design.
“Transparency just keeps getting better. Now that we can print Transparency labels in-house, everything changed for us. Our team is so much quicker and we are going to enroll more and more products.”
Ticia Pinto
Director of Marketplace Growth
Extending the benefits of Transparency
Eliminating counterfeit has also helped Groove Life ensure they’re protecting the intellectual property of the brands they work with. This commitment has led them to strengthen their relationships with large licensors, including Marvel and DC Comics.
"It’s definitely a sense of protection. Just knowing that there’s a Transparency label on the box helps us feel more secure that we’re not only protecting our brand, but the brands we work with as well."
Ticia Pinto
Director of Marketplace Growth

Spring Hill, TN
Silicon rings and accessories
Amazon launch
Brand protection tools
Brand Registry