Case study: Pepsico
Navigating the Amazon fulfillment network keeps PepsiCo’s business online
The biggest value Michelle and team have added is helping us overcome obstacles and get things done quickly. When we are seeing a problem, we are seeing it fixed in record time. It really enables us to focus our time on the right things.Kristen B.PepsiCo Sales Manager
After three years of successful shipments, PepsiCo’s Pure Leaf Iced Tea product line was unable to fulfill inventory due to changes in packaging dimension requirements. These changes prevented the product to process through their designated paths in Amazon’s fulfillment network. The team at PepsiCo quickly reached out to their customer success manager, Michelle, to investigate the issue.
As a customer success manager, we are the first point of contact for everything. We have so much exposure to teams within Amazon and have access to a base knowledge across a broad variety of subjects. This helps us get to the root of vendor issues while providing strong business advice to make sure they are not missing out on opportunities within Amazon.Michelle N.Customer Success Manager
Michelle began to find the root of the issue by reaching out to her in stock team. Once she found the requirement change that caused the disruption, she began formulating a plan and reached out to her contacts in Efficient Receive and Financial Operations to get the business back online. Through a new fulfillment plan, the teams at Amazon and PepsiCo were able to fully bring the product line back online within weeks of the issue arising.
The challenge
PepsiCo’s Pure Leaf Iced Tea products had been shipped through Amazon fulfillment centers for three years before a change in packaging dimension requirements stopped the line from processing through their designated paths in Amazon’s fulfillment network. With the Pure Leaf Iced Tea line’s salability on the table, PepsiCo needed to find a quick solution to continue shipping in a way that worked for them and Amazon.
The support provided
This pause in selling had significant revenue implications and PepsiCo’s customer success manager, Michelle, worked quickly to find the root of the problem. She built a plan by coordinating with various teams, such as in-stock, and fulfillment subject matter experts, to make the needed changes so that PepsiCo could begin shipping the Pure Leaf Iced Tea products again and minimize potential losses.
The impact
The entire product line was brought back online, PepsiCo maintained their business growth and continues to sell the Pure Leaf Iced Tea products on Amazon today.