Black Business Accelerator


Hope & Henry 徽标


Tracey Richardson




$500 款项,用于帮助新注册的亚马逊专业卖家支付启动成本和运营成本。
3 年的增强型数字认证赞助,由 SupplierGATEWAY 为非洲裔运营的企业提供。




提供最多 50 件商品的免费影像服务,帮助展示您的商品。
最多 $3,000 的广告款项,以助您提高品牌曝光度。
使用 $1,000 的 Buy with Prime 款项为电子商务买家提供快速的免费配送和值得信赖的结账服务。


自注册加入 Black Business Accelerator 以来,账户管理员一直是我的导师、军师和支持者。说实话,管理员的表现堪称完美。
Karen BlackwellSage & Alms(主营具有社会意识的服装和巧克力)创始人兼首席执行官
Black Business Accelerator 在发现开源节流的机会方面很有价值。我们因此能够多雇用一名员工。
Rodney MarshallAldevra(主营商业食品服务和医疗设备)总裁兼首席执行官

Amplify your business with a cohort learning experience

Black Business Accelerator’s Amplify program is an impactful learning experience designed for Black-owned businesses.
Amplify offers:
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Guidance from business consultants
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A dedicated Customer Success Manager
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Support from Amazon subject-matter experts
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Peer group mentorship
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A network of industry experts
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Business education
Choose the Amplify track that meets your business’s needs:
growth chart
Amplify Grow is for selling partners who have gained traction selling with Amazon and want to learn how to improve their business operations and optimize Amazon tools to grow their business.
globe with an arrow circle around it
Amplify Scale is for selling partners who are experienced selling in the Amazon store and want to learn how to expand their business operations and leverage Amazon tools and executive coaching to scale their business.
Fairy Black Mother logo
“I’m thrilled about this entire experience and I already miss it. I feel renewed, empowered, and motivated to go out there and make my millions now. I have immense respect for Amazon now and I almost don’t want this whole experience to end, but I know it’s time for us to soar higher.”
headshot image of Simone Wright
Simone Wright
Take Off Luggage logo
“It was nice learning about things we may not have thought about yet in our business journey, and what is expected. For example, thinking bigger and the massive opportunity Amazon alone provides. It opened my eyes to have a bigger vision for my company."
headshot image of Stephen Davis
Stephen Davis


我们很荣幸能够与一些组织合作。这些组织将引领亚马逊的 Black Business Accelerator 社区互动,并为参与者提供帮扶、业务发展机会、培训和教育资源,助力其取得成功。我们的合作伙伴还凭借在帮扶非洲裔运营的企业方面的深厚经验,不断为我们提供建议来改进 Black Business Accelerator,并帮助我们在未来为其他未被充分代表的企业主群体打造类似计划。


第 1 步


登录您的卖家平台账户或注册为卖家。请务必准备一个专业销售账户,以便利用 Black Business Accelerator 提供的资源。

第 2 步


如果您的非洲裔拥有的企业尚未获得认证,可以使用我们的 SupplierGATEWAY 进行申请。申请流程通常需要 1-2 周。

第 3 步


将认证添加到销售账户后,就可以开始使用卖家平台中的 Black Business Accelerator 资源中心来探索资源、活动和机会了。

Step 4

Explore the Amplify program

Interested in cohort-based support? Learn more about the program model, eligibility criteria, and upcoming application deadlines by visiting the Black Business Accelerator Resource Center. You can also review our list of frequently asked questions.


获取有关亚马逊 Black Business Accelerator 的常见问题解答


可以免费获得亚马逊的 Black Business Accelerator 资源吗?
可以。只要有专业卖家账户,并且在亚马逊商城销售商品,获得认证的非洲裔运营的美国企业就可以免费使用 Black Business Accelerator 资源。
谁可以使用 Black Business Accelerator 资源?
所有符合以下条件的美国卖家均可以使用亚马逊的 Black Business Accelerator 资源:a) 拥有亚马逊专业卖家账户,b) 拥有可供推广和销售的实物商品,以及 c) 通过卖家平台账户上传了有效的少数族裔企业登记或认证(此登记或认证应来自以下机构:美国奖励管理系统美国小企业管理局美国少数族裔供应商发展委员会SupplierGATEWAY,证明企业根据认证机构的标准属于非洲裔运营的企业)。
您需要拥有亚马逊专业卖家账户,才能访问 Black Business Accelerator 资源。专业计划每月收取 $39.99 的固定费用,让您能够在亚马逊商城推广商品,使用高级销售工具(例如 API 和报告等),有资格在商品详情页面上获得最佳展示位置等。详细了解亚马逊销售计划
亚马逊会为 Black Business Accelerator 计划的参与者支付 $39.99 的月服务费吗?
亚马逊不会支付专业计划的月服务费。但是,我们为新注册的专业卖家提供 $500 的款项,该款项可以用于支付月服务费。
我们遵循适用的认证机构的定义(这些机构包括美国奖励管理系统美国小企业管理局美国少数族裔供应商发展委员会SupplierGATEWAY)。一般而言,这意味着必须由非洲裔人员掌握企业至少 51% 的所有权、管理权和控制权。
在哪些商城可以使用亚马逊的 Black Business Accelerator 资源?
目前已在美国商城为美国卖家推出亚马逊 Black Business Accelerator 计划。
亚马逊 Black Business Accelerator 于 2021 年 6 月推出
您可以向数以百万计的企业买家以及亚马逊企业购(亚马逊的 B2B 在线商城)的买家销售商品。成为亚马逊专业卖家后,您便可加入亚马逊企业购卖家计划,而无需额外付费。所有非洲裔企业卖家都能够从我们面向买家的发现功能、多元化认证政策体验和其他计划权益中受益。
我还没做好商品推广和销售的准备。我何时可以使用 Black Business Accelerator 资源?
使用 Black Business Accelerator 资源没有截止期限,我们会对申请进行滚动审核。当您开发好商品并做好在亚马逊商城进行推广和销售的准备后,您就可以使用 Black Business Accelerator 帮助您打开销路。同时,您可以通过亚马逊小企业学院亚马逊卖家大学少数族裔商业和技术倡议获取有关如何开启和打造成功在线销售业务的免费培训和教育资源。


  • 为新注册的亚马逊专业卖家(新注册卖家是指在注册加入 Black Business Accelerator 计划之前的 12 个月内加入亚马逊专业销售计划的卖家)提供 $500 款项。
  • 通过 SupplierGATEWAY 提供 3 年的非洲裔运营企业认证赞助。要获得亚马逊赞助的认证,请使用账户管理员发送给您的电子邮件中提供的 SupplierGATEWAY 链接。此链接将包含您的推荐代码。此外,您必须表明您的公司属于非洲裔运营的企业。亚马逊 Black Business Accelerator 计划目前仅面向非洲裔运营的企业提供认证赞助。
  • 符合要求的 Black Business Accelerator 卖家可以请求支持专员协助在亚马逊商城开店或开展业务。支持专员可以提供个性化的见解和建议、运营支持等帮助。
  • 您可以通过亚马逊小企业学院亚马逊卖家大学少数族裔商业和技术倡议获取有关如何开启和打造成功的在线销售业务的免费培训和教育资源。
  • 最多可为 50 件商品提供免费的影像服务,帮助您提升商品形象,并确保向买家展示专业的图片。要使用影像服务,您需要将商品样品运送至亚马逊影像工作室。商品图片处理完成后,您将获得用于访问图片的 URL。拥有独有商品信息的品牌所有者可以将其上传至相关商品详情页面。此活动应遵守亚马逊影像服务条款和条件
  • 最高 $3,000 的促销点击额度旨在帮助品牌所有者提高其商品曝光度。如果您在注册 Black Business Accelerator 后的 90 天内完成以下四项操作(无论先后),我们便会向您的账户发放款项: 1) 在亚马逊注册成为品牌所有者;2) 做好发布广告的准备工作;3) 启动一项商品推广活动;4) 加入亚马逊物流 (FBA)。此活动应遵守亚马逊广告协议

Amplify program

What’s the difference between Black Business Accelerator and the Amplify program?
Amazon’s Black Business Accelerator provides Black-owned businesses a comprehensive range of resources to help them succeed in the Amazon store. Amplify is a cohort-based program that combines education, professional services, mentorship, and networks for eligible businesses that are ready to grow and scale.
How do I know which Amplify track I should apply for?
The resources and supports within each track are curated for a specific business profile.
  • Amplify Grow is for selling partners who have gained traction selling with Amazon and want to learn how to improve their business operations and optimize Amazon tools to grow their business. Learn more.
  • Amplify Scale is for selling partners who are experienced selling in the Amazon store and want to learn how to expand their business operations and leverage Amazon tools and executive coaching to scale their business. Learn more.
What types of resources are provided through the Amplify program?
Resources vary by track. Our goal is to ensure the resources we provide meet participants where they are.

The benefits provided may include:
  • Guidance from business consultants
  • A dedicated Customer Success Manager
  • Support from Amazon subject-matter experts
  • Peer group mentorship
  • A network of industry experts
  • Business education
Is there a cost associated with joining Amplify?
No. There is no fee associated with enrolling in Amplify, and participation is voluntary.
What is the time commitment for the Amplify program?
The duration of the program and associated time commitment is based on your track.
  • Amplify Grow: approximately 65 hours over the course of 12 months
  • Amplify Scale: approximately 40 hours over the course of 6 months
What are the expected outcomes for participating in Amplify?
Amplify provides participants with the tools to navigate Amazon and grow their business. Participants will develop a community of Black-owned businesses and industry leaders, sharing insights and best practices to lift each other to the next level.
How can I stay up-to-date on Amplify program announcements and application dates?
You can access Amplify announcements from Black Business Accelerator Resource Center after you enroll in Black Business Accelerator.
What resources are available to me if my business does not qualify for the Amplify program?
If your business does not meet the eligibility requirements for the Amplify program, you can still access other resources through Black Business Accelerator.
Black Business Accelerator